# Services
Services are auxiliary libraries used by this project which can be imported directly by the user if needed. Some functions may need a better study of the source code. Issues regarding improvement for these services which does not bring any benefits to the TwemojiPicker or TwemojiTextarea will be closed.
# EmojiService
# getEmojiImgFromUnicode(unicode: string, twemojiOptions?: object)
This function receives an emoji character Unicode and returns the equivalent Twemoji art IMG tag. It also receives as an optional parameter a TwemojiOptions object.
# getEmojiImgArrayFromEmojiPack(emojiPackArray: Array, twemojiOptions: object):
This function receives an emojiPackArray and returns in emojiPackArray containing the IMG tag for each emoji Unicode. It also receives a TwemojiOptions object as second parameter.
# getEmojiImgArrayFromEmojiPackByTerm(emojiPackArray: Array, twemojiOptions: object, searchTerm: string)
This function receives an emojiPackArray and returns in emojiPackArray containing the IMG tag for each emoji Unicode searched (by the searchTerm parameter). It also receives a TwemojiOptions object as second parameter.
# TextareaParser
# replaceEmojiWithAltAttribute(text: string)
This function replace all emoji img tags in the text parameter with its respective alt attributes.
# unescapeHtml(text: string)
This function unescape HTML characters in the text parameter.
# escapeHTML(text: string)
This function escape HTML characters in the text parameter.